Custom hockey jerseys: Get a vintage look with modern performance fabrics and design

Custom hockey jerseys: Get a vintage look with modern performance fabrics and design
When you are designing custom hockey jerseys, the area around the neck offers a surprising number of opportunities for creativity and team identity. Along with the name, some features of the old-time hockey sweaters have made their way into our modern jerseys, especially for teams looking for an old-school vintage look. Here are a few details you’ll have to decide on when designing custom hockey jerseys for your team.

Sublimated custom socks give your team a true top-to-bottom uniform

Sublimated socks give your team a true top-to-bottom uniform
Your uniform is more than your jersey. You need to look like a team from top to bottom as you go out and play like a team from whistle to whistle. From the jersey to the socks, everything should match perfectly and let everyone know who you are. It can be easy to overlook the socks when designing your team’s uniform, but adding sublimated socks to complete the look can be quick and easy.

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