What should I know before buying custom jerseys for the school team?

What should I know before buying custom jerseys for the school team?
Designing and ordering jerseys for a school team can be very demanding. Especially if you are doing it for the first time or if you need to improve the design or quality of the jerseys, the process can quickly seem like a lot. Here are a few things to help you start things off on the right foot.

Construction Methods for Athletic Apparel Part Two: Dye Sublimation

Custom dye sublimated garments are still sewn together from basic components such as the front and back body panels, sleeves and shoulders but the design detail is all dyed into the fabric as opposed to each color block, stripe or other element being a separate sewn-in piece of fabric.

Construction Methods for Athletic Apparel Part One: Cut-and-Sew

In our second post of this series, we will discuss the various construction methods and trim options used in the manufacturing of athletic uniforms and apparel.

All About Fabrics, Finding the right performance fabric for your sports uniforms

All About Fabrics, Finding the right performance fabric for your sports uniforms
One of the most common questions that people ask us is "what kind of fabric is it?" Fabrics for athletic uniforms have evolved over the past 30 years as technology has advanced. In the early days, uniforms were wool, cotton or flannel…

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