7 things everyone should know about custom embroidery

Embroidered clothes are some of the best clothes you will ever find. Custom embroidery looks magnificent. However, there are several things to keep in mind when ordering custom embroidery, especially in bulk quantities. Understanding what is best for your needs and knowing how the technique works will ensure total satisfaction

1. The quality of the image has an impact on the end product

Few brand elements are as defining - and potentially iconic - as a sport team's logo. The logo is the most common item for custom embroidery. The quality of the logo on your shirt, cap, jacket or shorts starts with the quality of the image you can provide.

The first step is to generate a high-quality image of the design you want embroidered. The detail and crispness of the embroidery depends on the detail and crispness of the image. An image with fine lines and small print will not look good when embroidered on the garment.

The best thing to do is make a brand new image from scratch, one that is crisp, high-resolution and large so it translates well onto the cloth.

Here are three minimum standards for your image:

  • Make your text at least 6.35 mm high.
  • To give the embroiderer the highest quality image that will transfer easily to their equipment, save the image in an Adobe Illustrator vector file/vector art.
  • A simple and crisp image without the fine details works best.

2. Know your stitches

Three stitches will go into your completed embroidery. Each of these stitches has limitations, and you will have to keep them in mind while working on the design.

  • Fill stitch: Fill stitches fill the space over a large area that is all a single color. This is a plain and smooth stitch.
  • Satin stitch: This stitch is used to embroider letters and numbers on the logo.
  • Walking stitch: This stitch is how the embroiderer creates the fine details of the logo.

3. Choose the fabric of the garment carefully

You have a vision of how your garment will look. However, converting this vision to reality is not a straightforward, one-to-one process. Each step needs planning.

Not all material works well with embroidery, so you may have to make some trade-offs between your ideal or [favorite fabric and what will produce the best embroidered garment.

For example, you do not want to embroider soft fabrics like silk because the weight of embroidery will drag the cloth down. Fleece, on the other hand, has too much texture and the embroidery can get lost as the fabric obstructs the view of the embroidered design.

Custom embroidery is well-suited for twill fabric and outerwear.

Design the logo first to avoid any mistakes. Afterward, ask an embroider about the types of fabric you can use. If you have a fabric that you would like to use but it doesn't work well with embroidery, change the fabric.

4. With every fiber of its being: Choose the right thread

Thread is at the heart of custom embroidery. What kind of thread? That’s an option you have.

Choosing the thread depends on your choice of fabric. Embroidered polo shirts use rayon thread because polo shirts are generally associated with less physical activity.

You should use polyester thread when you want to have embroidered shirts for physically demanding activities. For instance, sports teams and other activity groups should use polyester thread. A polyester thread is durable, making it ideal for rough use.

5. Location of the design

The whole point behind spending money to get a custom embroidered garment is its visibility. Consider carefully, then, the location of the design and what else you might be wearing with the embroidered item.

Consider placing the logo on the sleeve or another area where it will be visible even when you have other outerwear (like a vest) over it. You can place the logo on the sleeves, the back, the chest - anywhere. But if the actual wear cases mean it won’t be seen, consider embroidering the outermost garment to keep your logo visible.

6. Do you know about specialty thread?

Technology has helped the clothing industry tremendously. Rainbow thread, glow in the dark thread, color-changing thread, metallic or reflective thread are a few examples of specialty threads.

When used judiciously, specialty thread can make a world of a difference to the attire. A design made by specialty thread is capable of stealing the show. Remember, though, that if you use a special thread it’s because you want it to be noticed. Don’t let it become part of the “noise” in your logo. Simple logos let specialty thread stand out as a true highlight, and the thread, in turn, gives the simplicity of the logo that extra eye-catching appeal.

7. All embroiderers are not the same

You can find both machines and humans who will embroider your design. Machines provide precision, whereas embroiders provide a human touch. For bulk orders, machines can help remove human error and speed up production time.

These are all the things that you will need to consider before you dive into the project. Embroidery instantly raises the standards of any garment, and it’s there to last. Embroidery is for the long-term, so plan things out carefully and choose the right embroiderer for your needs so you can be satisfied for as long as you own the clothes.

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