Supplier Profile: Richardson

Richardson Cap Company

Richardson Sports was established in the late 1960’s by Howard Wicklund and Neil Richardson and has deep roots in the team athletic business. The company originally named Howard Wicklund Sporting Goods, operated as a wholesale distributor, importer and factory representatives, selling a wide range of sports equipment and apparel to Northwest accounts. Today, Richardson is recognized as a leader in the team headwear industry and markets a full line of headwear to thousands of accounts around the world. A vertically integrated design and manufacturing company with a large selection of high quality, in-stock styles and colors for immediate delivery. Richardson has full custom production capabilities and over 400 heads of embroidery. Richardson is a privately held company with headquarters in Eugene, Oregon and an Eastern distribution center in Pittsburgh, PA. Products are only distributed through authorized distributors, dealers and retailers in the team, promotional, collegiate, golf and outdoor markets. The Richardson brand represents authentic, high quality headwear and a commitment to provide the best service in the industry.

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